6 Foods Good for Liver Detox

6 Foods Good for Liver Detox

Why liver detox?

Based on a 2020 study that was published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, between 25% to 30% of Indians overall have NAFLD (Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease). This is in line with results from additional research showing an elevated prevalence of the condition. NAFLD is more common in men than women, with an estimated prevalence of 40% in men and 26% in women. A healthy liver is very cruicial for holistic health. 

Here you can track down the 6 foods good for liver detox that will help you in liver detoxification:

Also Read: 6 Ways to Detox Your Liver at Home

Apple and liver health

You must have heard of “an apple a day keeps the liver at bay” it is because Apple has antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties as it is rich fiber and other nutrients. It supports metabolism and with its high hydration properties it flushes out all toxins of the body supporting the gut health. Vitamin C and potassium in apples are involved in metabolic processes that can aid in liver health.

When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade

 When life gives you lemons give your liver a boost. Lemon plays a crucial role in detox diet. Start your day with warm lemon water this can help kick start your metabolism. You can add salads or make smoothies to boost the flavor that will complement Vitamin C for your body. Lemons stimulates digestive enzymes and further reduces oxidative stress. Maintaining a balance between free radicals and antioxidants is crucial for protecting liver health and function.

Why olive oil?

One of the components of Olive oil hydroxytyrosol, has been shown to reduce negative effects of fatty liver disease. It supports insulin sensitivity, reduces inflammation, enhances fat metabolism. Olive oils have monosaturated fats whereas the other oils are rich in omega 6 fatty acids and saturated fats. Monosaturated fats improve the lipid profile and other liver related conditions.

Liver’s best friend (Garlic) 

When it comes to liver health garlic acts as an ally in the kitchen. Consuming raw garlic is one of the most effective way to support your liver health. It reduces fat accumulation and supports immune function. The antioxidants in garlic including selenium and vitamin C help neutralize harmful, free radicals in the liver. Through its rich content in sulfur it stimulates liver enzymes and promotes detoxification.

Nuts to boost liver’s roots

Nuts can fortify and support the basis of liver function, nuts like walnuts, cashew, almonds, brazil nuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc that can promote healthy weight, healthy digestion, support immunity and reduce liver’s burden. The unsaturated fats present in nuts can prevent NAFLD.


Avocados are an excellent source of glutathione, which protects liver health, guards the liver from unwanted toxins, and strengthens the liver's cleansing function. It is also rich in Vitamin B6, Vitamin C which act as antioxidant reversing oxidative damage to protect liver.

Also Read: Say No to Fatty Liver


"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Other than the food mentioned above, one can incorporate watermelon, banana, salmon, pumpkin, tomato, tuna, mung beans, papaya, grapes into nutrition plan.  What you eat and how you move determines your gut health. Chronic oxidative stress is linked to various liver conditions like NAFLD, Alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis. Balancing your diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while staying hydrated and exercising regularly can support liver health and overall well-being.

*Always consult with a healthcare expert before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle, especially if you have underlying health conditions.


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