Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

What are Essential Nutrients? Our bodies rely on a variety of nutrients to function properly, from vitamins and minerals to proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But how do we know when we are not meeting our body’s nutritional requirement?

Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

A healthy nutritional diet plays a crucial role in regulating our daily activities. With the help of this blog, you can identify six early signs which indicate that your body lacks essential nutrients.

Feeling More Tired and Weak than Usual

Fytika Blog: Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

Feeling fatigue and low energy levels despite getting enough sleep and rest indicates that your body may be lacking carbohydrates and fats that are direct source of energy, which can make it harder for you to stay active and focused throughout the day.

Try adding superfoods like amla, eggs, fish, leafy greens, whole grains, mushrooms, and bananas to your diet to help you recharge.

Weakened Immune System

Fytika Blog: Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

When our immune function is low, our ability to fight off infections and recover from illnesses is significantly reduced. Frequent illnesses could be a sign of insufficient Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc-rich foods in the body, which are essential to regularly fuel and support overall health. These are the effects of weak immunity that can impact our daily well-being.

Add immunity-boosting foods like oranges, spinach, almonds, mushrooms, and pumpkin seeds to your diet, as they are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc.

Hair Loss and Brittle Nails

Fytika Blog: Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

If your nails crack, break, or chip for no clear reason and you have a patchy hair loss, thinning of hair, it might indicate that your body lacks specific nutrients like iron, biotin, vitamins, essential fatty acids, zinc and protein.

Include Tofu, cereals, nuts, seeds, eggs, carrots and wholegrains into your diet to reduce the brittleness and hair loss.

Joint Pain and Muscle Weakness

Fytika Blog: Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

If you experience, symptoms like bone pain and joint pain, body cramps or muscle pain, it can be related to deficiency of Vitamin D. It may be worth getting your vitamin D levels checked and adjusting your diet or considering best supplement for joint health if necessary.

Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, milk, egg yolks, fortified cereals, and fatty fish.

Dry and Flaky Skin

Fytika Blog: Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

Dry and Flaky skin can be experienced by anybody despite the seasons, which might indicate the deficiency of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, collagen or foods like, sunflower seeds, oat milk, kiwis, and the other important nutrients. When it comes to dry skin staying hydrated and having juicy fruits or foods can impact the skin positively.

Frequently Experiencing Mood Swings and Irritability

Fytika Blog: Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

This could result from low Omega 3 levels or B Vitamins or when we consume too much of sugary or processed foods, which lack most variety of nutrients. Try adding walnuts, soy chunks, or seasonal vegetables like carrots and beans to minimize stress and regulate brain function.


Fytika Blog: Your Body Needs More Nutrients: Signs & Foods

Our body has unique way of signaling when it is not getting the nutrients.  Above mentioned subtle signs, are the direct indication that one needs to include nutrient rich foods to the diet and feed the body right. Prioritize whole foods over processed ones to maximize nutrient intake, and aim to hydrate regularly by drinking plenty of water to nourish your wellbeing

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and not medical advice. Results may vary, and it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or taking supplements.
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